AUC - ROC Curve

Posted by ADAM CHANG on December 17, 2019

In Machine Learning, there are plenty of metrics used to measure the performance of the model. For classification problems, AUC - ROC curves are an essential evaluation metric. Before we dive into the AUC - ROC curve, I will give a quick introduction to the Confusion Matrix.

A Confusion Matrix showcases the predicted and actual values in a binary classification task.

Source (Image1)

Let’s imagine we’re working on a model that predicts if a basketball shot is made or not. In this binary classification model, the class labeled Positive (1) is a made shot, while the class labeled Negative (0) is a missed shot. The Actual Values are the real shot results and the Predicted Values are the model’s predicted shot results. Now we can give into the definition of each box.

  • TP = True Positive - Model correctly predicts the positive class.
    Player made shot, model predicts shot was made.

  • FP = False Positive - Model incorrectly predicts the positive class.
    Player missed shot, model predicts shot was made.

  • TN = True Negative - Model correctly predicts the negative class.
    Player missed shot, model predicts shot was missed.

  • FN = False Negative - Model incorrectly predicts the negative class.
    Player made shot, model predicts shot was missed.

Now that we are pros of the Confusion Matrix, let’s get down to the ROC business. An ROC curve or Receiver Operating Charactisteric curve is a probability curve that measures the True Positive Rate versus the False Positive Rate.

  • TPR or Recall is the proportion of correctly predicted made shots over all player made shots.
    TPR = TP / (TP + FN)

  • FPR is the proportion of incorrectly predicted made shots over all player missed shots.
    FPR = FP / (FP + TN)

ROC Curve
Source (Image1)

Now how does this measure our model?
This is where AUC comes into play. AUC is the Area Under the ROC Curve. AUC is the number we care about in our performance metric. It ranges in value from 0 to 1

  • 0.0 is 100% wrong meaning the model predictions are the complete opposite of the actual values.
  • 1.0 is 100% correct meaning the model predictions are spot-on with the actual values.
  • 0.5 is pure chaos. Model is just randomly guessing. In image above, the blue dotted line represents a 0.5 AUC.

Here are some graphs that helps us visualize how the AUC works.

Source (Image1)

In the Excellent green model, we have an AUC of 100% or 1.0. This means the model was 100% accurate in determining if the shot was made or missed. The True Positives and True Negatives do not overlap at all.
In the Good orange model, we have an AUC of 75% or 0.75. This means the model was 75% accurate. There is a slight overlap in the Positives and Negatives which represents the FN and FP.
In the No Separability red model, we have an AUC of 50% or 0.5. Again, pure chaos. Complete overlap in Positives and Negatives.

Can we use AUC - ROC Curve for Multiclass Classification Models? Yes you can! In a multiclass model, we would have to approach this using a 1 vs all method. Using the same example with basketball shots, imagine we have 3 classes; Made, Missed, and Turnover (lost the ball before a chance to shoot). We would need 3 AUC - ROC curves for each class.

  • Made vs Missed and Turnover
  • Missed vs Made and Turnover
  • Turnover vs Made and Missed

I hope reading this gives you more insight on, in my opinion, one of the more confusing but best metrics for model performance.